It is alsopossible to buy online without registration, from the shopping cart you can choose all the payment and shipping methods provided as described below.
It is also possible to purchase
by sending an e-mail to with all shipping information and the code or name of the requested item or by calling us directly at our number 06 79 17 711 hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-13:00

3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Payment by bank transfer

The system will send you the iban code

Payment by STRIPE with credit card

One of the world’s most widely used systems for making a secure credit card payment

Payment via Paypal account or credit card

The world’s most widely used system for making a secure payment via PayPal account or even credit card

PayPal Acceptance Marks

How it is used

To purchase, simply place your order online (preferred), the order will be followed by the simple procedure to pay securely with your credit card through the secure system of Paypal or STRIPE

Or by phone or e-mail: once ordered we will send the customer an e-mail with a link for payment always through the Paypal or STRIPE site, in a few seconds the customer can then securely make the payment with their credit card. Within minutes we will receive payment and ship the product as soon as possible. To get more information click on the Paypal logo

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